Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Based on the previous experiences of how the mentoring procedure should be done, below are some of the revisions I have implemented starting with the August 2009 participants:

Several request for an accelerated program because most traders have also a day job prompted me to revise the schedule. The complete mentoring services duration will now be revised to 2 months. First month dedicated to learning the theory of basket trading as applied to all kinds of market and trading sessions. Normal time schedule will be at 7:00-8:00 am EST. Second month is free trading, where you will be guided in your actual trading. No preset time schedule.

Also it has been observed lately that some NOT so serious traders have joined the group. Some of them don’t even know what an IA is and some was not even patient enough to read the whole thread in FF Forum. As a prerequisite, I would require everyone interested in this program to read at least once the whole thread and other accompanying threads in FF Forum. Failure to comply on this compulsory reading of the old FF thread will be grounds for dropping you out of the program.

The non-refundable fee for this program is US$499 and is paid in advance upon acceptance to the program. Hoping that this fee will assure that only serious traders will commit.

For enrollment payment, please click the BUY NOW button.

If having difficulty with PayPal we could arrange a Western Union remittance by contacting me at

Reservation for the next month program is accepted on or before the 25th of the preceding month.

Continued membership with the group after completing the program will carry a US$40.00 fee a month. For continued membership subscription, click the button below:
Subscription to: Membership

To discontinue membership subscription, click the button below:

If you are buying an AccountProtect EA, click the button below:



Discussions are done on Skype public chat at the time mentioned. After you are being ushered in the room you are free to review past transcripts of discussion. Good for those that misses earlier discussions. Transcript can also be cut and paste for printing.

Files are easily transferred to one or all members of the room.

Topics of discussion as well as tools (indicators and EA) are provided in advance and are prearranged according to market projected behavior.